Abacus Math Club Virtual Class

Abacus Math Club Virtual Class
Why Abacus Math Club Virtual?
Mathematician, Jr offers children the benefits of learning and developing early mental math skills using an abacus. Not just any abacus, but patented simplified adjustable tool that progresses with each child’s skill set. We call it the junior counter. The junior counter takes the math out of the math and makes math less ‘mathy’ and way less intimidating. Mathematician, Jr. uses tools, play, song and movement to help children understand and master counting with an abacus, positions and positioning, place value, addition and subtraction.
Mathematician, Jr is where you get it all: quality, results, support and fun! Children learn best with play and story and positive interactions. Mathematician, Jr.is totally changing the way abacus math is introduced, taught and experience leading to faster and ‘funner’
Here are all the GREAT features you get from this class
✓ Live weekly small group lessons. Many of our students maximize their learning when they are among peers and when they are able to engage, teach and learn from each other. ( teacher). Mathematician, Jr is the perfect fit for your child's early learning needs.
✓ Access to on demand class modules integrated into the lessons to help reinforce home practice.
✓ Guided practice videos help students with additional fun practice experiences.