Box Set~Levels 1, 2a, 2b and 3~ Fun Mental Math Flashcards

Box Set~Levels 1, 2a, 2b and 3~ Fun Mental Math Flashcards
Regular price $54.99
➤ Our Fun Mental Math Flashcards are a simple, super effective and powerful way to help your young child(ren) (even pre-readers and pre-writers) improve their number recognition, speed, accuracy and ability of (mental) addition and (mental) subtraction drastically.
➤ Our box set includes all levels, and activities cards.
➤ Our Fun Mental Math Flashcards are a simple, super effective and powerful way to help your young child(ren) (even pre-readers and pre-writers) improve their number recognition, speed, accuracy and ability of (mental) addition and (mental) subtraction drastically.
➤ Our unique cards display fun, colorful positions of the jr.counter or numbers on one side and math facts and answers on the other side.
➤ Along with this purchase comes access to videos of fun games and activities that (you and) your child can PLAY while building math skills and the love of math. Each deck includes over 60 cards.
Level 1 Fun Mental Math Flashcards
These fun and ‘funny’ cards provide practice, math problems and activities for number positions, number placement, (mental) addition and subtraction from 0 to 9.
Level 1 decks will keep your child busy for months.
Children will be ready to work with numbers 0-9 on any traditional soroban abacus after spending some it with our Fun Mental Math Flashcards
Perfect for your 3- & 4-year-old
Level 2 Fun Mental Math Flashcards
These fun and ‘funny’ cards provide practice, math problems and activities for number positions, number placement, (mental) addition and subtraction from 0 to 99 with a focus on numbers 10-99.
Level 2 decks will keep your child busy for months.
Children will be ready to work with numbers 0-99 on any traditional soroban abacus
Perfect for your 4- & 5-yearold's
Level 3 Fun Mental Math Flashcards
These fun, but challenging activity cards provide rigorous but engaging practice, math problems and activities for number positions, number placement, place value, (mental) addition and subtraction from 0 to 999, with an emphasis on numbers 100- 999.
Children will be ready to work with numbers 0-999 on any traditional soroban abacus
Level 3 decks will keep your child busy for months. (Perfect children 5-year-old and up).
Users can write in their own problems and answers on some of the activity cards.